Silicon Valley Intellectual Property Law Association (SVIPLA) presents:
January 26, 2016 Crowne Plaza Hotel, Palo Alto
Approved for one hour of California MCLE competence/substance abuse/mental illness credit!
WIPLA members are welcome to attend the SVIPLA presentation, “The Neuroscience of Competent Lawyering,” on Thursday, January 26, 2016, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Palo Alto, 6 p.m.-registration, appetizers buffet, cash bar, and 7-8 p.m.-program. This program is approved for one hour of California MCLE competence/substance abuse/mental illness credit. The program will illustrate what happens in our brains when we are in our most productive states, and how to recognize when we are in our less productive states. You will have the opportunity to learn the neuroscience behind what allows us to be most effective and efficient at work; learn how to stimulate the areas of the brain involved in the most productive work, while dampening the areas of the brain involved in the most self-defeating behaviors; create environments for better productivity while enhancing team work with clients and colleagues; learn how to stay productive while being able to handle more stress; and be able to better identify and avoid substance abuse and depression.
SVIPLA is offering this event to WIPLA members at a discounted rate; when registering for the event, select “In-House Counsel” for the discounted rate.
For details and registration/fee information, click here, or go to: