Committees |
The WIPLA Mentoring Committee is responsible for organizing programs that address issues of particular interest to women IP attorneys. For example, the Committee has hosted round table discussions on “mentoring up and down” and panel discussions regarding recently published books of interest. The WIPLA Membership Committee oversees WIPLA’s member recruitment and retention. The Committee is charged with bringing in a diverse array of intellectual property law professionals, scholars, and students in order to further enrich WIPLA.
| The WIPLA Programs Committee oversees WIPLA's programs, including MCLE events and social functions. The Committee is charged with selecting topics and speakers for MCLE programs with the help of other Board members; contacting potential speakers; arranging meeting locations; and coordinating with sponsors that host events. The Communications Committee publishes the quarterly WIPLA Newsletter and all WIPLA event announcements. The committee is also charged with updating the WIPLA website and social media sites. The WIPLA Sponsorship Committee oversees the WIPLA sponsorship program, which includes three levels—Premier Event Sponsor, Gold WIPLA Sponsor, and Platinum WIPLA Sponsor. The Committee is responsible for coordinating with and attracting new sponsors, as well as ensuring that they receive all of the benefits of their sponsorships.