Happy New Year!  It would be great to see everyone at the upcoming Federal Bar Association (FBA), Northern District of California (NDCA) program "Taking the Lead: Women as First Chair" on January 29, 2025 at the SF Federal Courthouse.  WIPLA is co-sponsoring the program with the FBA NDCA.

We have three dynamic speakers: District Judge Beth Freeman, Daralyn Durie, the epitome of a first chair lawyer and Partner at Morrison Foerster, and Renee Brown, Director of IP at LinkedIn.

Please REGISTER by clicking on the link in the above flyer.  Implicit Bias MCLE credit offered.  The ticket price is $30.00 for FBA members and $50 for non-FBA members.

Please feel free to forward this invitation to others.  We hope to see you there!

January, 2025

Dear WIPLA Members,

To thank you for your continued support of WIPLA, we will be extending membership for a year starting in December 2024 for all who were still members as of June 2023.

For information on other upcoming events, please check back here and also be on the lookout for WIPLA emails!

We are very excited to catch up with you!


The WIPLA Board

Gina Steele, President

Julie Missud, Secretary

Katie Scott, Treasurer

Camilla Bykhovsky


February or March 2025:  Leadership Presence MCLE - location, date, time TBD


Please join us for an evening of festive drinks and merry-making as a thank you to our WIPLA members and friends for your continued support!  Please register for the party using the link below.  Feel free to invite other women in IP law as guests.  For guests, please either include the number of expected guests in your registration or forward this invitation so your guests can register.

Complimentary cocktails and hors d’oeuvres will be available.

We look forward to seeing you!!

Please note that the Grand Bay Hotel San Francisco formerly went by other names: Sofitel SF Bay Hotel and Hotel Pullman San Francisco Bay. The address is the same.

WIPLA would like to thank its sponsors for their continued support of women in the field of intellectual property law: 


Haley Guiliano LLP

© 2011-2025 Women's Intellectual Property Lawyers Association
Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software